Is America Still The Greatest Country??

Today is the United States 242nd Independence Day celebration. On this very same day in 1776, thirteen American colonies became a sovereign nation after a great effort by Continental Congress voting the favor of independence from Great Britain, adopting the Declaration of Independence the historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson.
In light of everything that is going on with social injustice and a health pandemic, I think we are still missing the point. Complaining and protesting will not solve the current situation.
Creating solutions to problems (or maybe we should call them projects), will always be a ongoing process because as we become better human beings, we will choose to do things out of love and for the greater good.
I am not trying to minimize what anyone is facing because we begin to play a comparison game of who has been screwed over the most. But what if we only talked about what have been some of the best things that have happened to us? You know like kindness, the opportunity to help someone, create a business that impacts people in a positive way or even the good fortune to recover from a terminal illness.
Yes, there are lots of egotistical idiots out there. And no one can ever say that they never acted like one. We have all been self-centered at some point in our life.
So, what’s the answer?
YOU are the answer.
Work on becoming the best you. Contribute to the calmness and compassion this country, and the world longs for!
When we operate out of love, compassion, and joy we tend to make decisions that make this a better world.
Is America the greatest country?
I still believe we live in the best country in the world with endless opportunities and many people would love to be here in your shoes. But it really doesn't matter what I think because we all make our own decisions, create our own reality and tell stories to ourselves that create our current circumstances.
Happy Fourth of July! I still believe in you and in your highest potential as a beautiful soul.