Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine
How We Can Help You
✔ If you’re tired of your doctor telling your labs are normal but you feel like crap…….WE GET IT
✔ If you’re tired of the 5-7 minute doctor visit only to walk out with another prescription for a health problem…….WE GET IT
✔ If you’re tired of asking your doctor to test for other lab markers because you know something is not right but they ignore you…….WE GET IT
✔ If you're ready to make a change but don’t know how…….WE CAN MAKE THAT HAPPEN
Get Started Here

A New Approach
The times have changed the way health care will be delivered. We have a system that focuses on disease and not wellness. There is a new paradigm shift in healthcare and it's about focusing on the cause, prevention of dis-ease, and focusing on wellness.
Chronic diseases are the cause of 7 of every 10 deaths
More than 2 in 3 adults are either obese or overweight
1 in 6 children are obese
Over 100 million Americans are diabetic or pre-diabetic
Thyroid conditions are under-diagnosed
GI issues are remedied with drugs or unnecessary surgical procedures
The CDC estimates that by changing poor diet, inactivity, and smoking this could PREVENT 90% of overall heart disease and stroke, 40% of cancer, and 80% of type 2 diabetes.